Monday, July 19, 2010

Wiggle Waggle and the Tax Dodge

SEE HERE Now we know. The Health Care Bill with it's requirements is not a health care bill at all. It is a new tax. That's the story and we're sticking to it the administration suggests as it tries to keep it from being thrown out as an intrusion into personal rights. But wait, aren't all taxes an intrusion into a person's right to benefit from the production of his own labor. How much or my money is mine because I earned it and how much is the governments because they have more force and want it? Forget about the idea of the common good. That hasn't been in play for generations. It's about spreading the wealth around and paying off your cronies. Time for some serious reconstruction before they put us all into cages and only let us go out to the fields to work poor suckers that we are.

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