Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Beat Goes On ... Attack ... Attack ... Attack

SEE HERE I'm not sure what the point of attacking Michael Savage or Mark Levin is? Seems to me they are just another flavor of "shock jock" on one view of things. Chris Matthews is the hand wringing, "isn't the Right horrible" jock. All the talking heads are pretty pointless regardless. I've stopped listening to radio altogether except by accident. I listen to Teaching Company courses where at least I have the opportunity to learn something.


Once you've heard the ranting, right or left, you pretty much have the narrative down. I'd like to hear ideas seriously discussed and debated but our media no-longer know how to do that. All they do is shout at each other and even when the shouting has content, it is still over-heated shouting.

I'm seriously curious if liberals actually have any ideas that make sense. I've never really heard any. For the most part I consider most of their ideas based on things that upon investigation turn out to be counter factual in large part. I debated a guy for a couple of months on Facebook who claimed to be a Conservative but sounded a whole lot more like a liberal. His strategy was so predictable it was boring. He'd take a situation, ascribe negative motives to one side or the other, then generalize without any support that "everyone" on that side took the most extreme possible position and then he'd conclude he had proved his case. What he had actually done is commit something like five logical fallacies and generally he'd not established one fact. All his "facts" were simply assertions. I have that problem a lot these days with young people who think that because they believe something they have proved it in an argument. Total relativism hogs the stage. "Well you have your truth and I have my truth." (gag me with a spoon and recite the law of non-contradiction) With that kind of critical thinking out there we're all doomed to this Tweedle Dee/Tweedle Dum shouting match form of "entertainment."

Pathetic really and a sign of the disastrous education of our times.

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