Wednesday, January 12, 2011

"Blood Libel?" Of Course it is!

SEE HERE It's always interesting what the liberal wackos can get all wee-wee'd up about. I think Sarah Palin in using the term "blood libel" has exactly nailed these characters. They are engaged in a lock-step, mind-less, prejudicial hate fest aimed at Sarah Palin and the motivation can be reverse engineering from their own screed. They don't like the fact that she's a real woman with values and honor and someone with the moral stature not to just kill a child for her own convenience. She's a Christian lady who is largely being attacked because she is a Christian lady and hence a real rebuke in her own person to these morally adrift, vision-less, value-less, wooden leftists. Who are they kidding? They are natural born haters whose idea of freedom is only to suppress those whose views they oppose. The internet is full of their fulminations inciting to suppression of the Tea Party and anyone that opposes their sick agenda. "Blood libel" is exactly right. These after all are the people who demand the sacrifice of millions of children on a whim of temporary convenience in the name of some vague principle of "choice." What other choices are so sacred that they cannot be contravened? They are despicable and "blood libel" with all its historical ramifications seem quite to the point.


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