Monday, January 17, 2011

Want to Cut the Deficit? I Have A Place To Start

SEE HERE The whole climate narrative is nonsense. I remember when I was in high school in the heady days when we were almost the only nuclear power, and when the promise of nuclear technology was routinely touted as leading to cars that would if not forever for a very long time and other imaginings that have not happened. Among them was the notion advanced by know-nothings that we could erect a giant weather grid of some sort and control the weather.

In the sober light of reality this particular notion was given a quick burial. I suspect that the same fevered imagination that produced that nonsense remotely fueled the current nonsense. The impact of man on the global environment is far less than the doomsayers are always touting. They can't even begin to make a case without leaving out most of the data because we just don't do enough compared with a wealth of natural sources which are rarely counted. If you look at the Mauna Loa CO2 data you see seasonal variation of about 7 ppm peak to peak. Those peak to peak variations are unlikely to be caused by human CO2 variations so it's important to understand them. One of the common explanations is that they arise from the oceans emitting CO2 when they are warmer and absorbing it when they are cooler. HERE IS SOME OCEAN DATA

Well it's still a mystery I suspect if you're interested in all the details. One question is where's the smoking gun that suggests that any of this really needs to be done at such outrageous expense? There is no evidence that weather is really any different today than in the last 100 years. The warming trend that was touted and promoted to be some sort of looming emergency has given way to a cooling trend and it's getting embarrassing to see the warming alarmists trying to transform into climate extremes alarmists without a shred of scientific justification. It just doesn't wash, not one whit.

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