Monday, January 17, 2011

"If It Weren't For Double Standards, What Standards Would They Have?"

That's the question Sarah Palin posed tonight on Sean Hannity's show about the liberals who dug up any possible way to slime her in the context of the Tucson tragedy. It's an incredible degree of hypocrisy. Sean put the rhetoric of the left in context by showing how many vile attacks the left has made against Palin. Do they really have any standards? These are the people who support the killing of millions of children for convenience. These are the people who concoct pseudoscience to "save the planet" and line their own pockets. These are the people who want to seize the health care industry and get between you and your doctor to tell you what kind of health care you can and cannot have. These are the people who want to control every aspect of your life because they are an anointed class who know better than you do what is good for you. They want your money. They want your submission. They want to decide every aspect of your life. They don't have your best interests at heart. They are double dealing hypocrites. Palin has it exactly right.


  1. As opposed to the Right- who talk about wanting to help "Main Street" American's yet are in the back, front, and inside pockets of Wall Street.
