Monday, January 24, 2011

The Insanity of It All! A Ficticious Crisis Becomes the Basis for Huge Legal Actions

SEE HERE The phony crisis which largely ended DDT control of the malaria mosquito caused millions to die needlessly. Many another fictitious crisis cooked up by the left has had lethal consequences. Here's one in the making built on top of about as phony a crisis as there has ever been. The science behind global warming is mostly fear mongering and not science at all, but once you get an idea into people's heads it goes viral and then you have hell to pay to straighten things out. The legal system doesn't work on facts as much as emotions. Lawyers play on jury's emotions to get the deep pockets to pay for things that weren't really legitimate. It only matters that you can tug on the heartstrings of the ignorant and play the various liberal demonization themes effectively. It's always those greedy corporations, those oil companies, those insurance companies, and so on and so on and so on. The facts are rarely in evidence. None of them have a shred of economic legitimacy, but you've been told this over and over and never learned anything about economics so you believe it. When the United States has been destroyed by these kind of lunacies history will look back with wonder at how a whole people could be so thoroughly deceived.

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