Sunday, January 30, 2011

What Passes For Sanity These Days

SEE HERE God help us! The world has gone insane. The thought police and the junior-gestapo that mans or is it womans the local government indoctrination centers have no reason nor sense of proportion. They might have gone insane in my day living in schools where rubber band fights and two finger slingshots were the order of the day when students were acting up. Instead we suspend students for having anemic knives that are a poor second best to the scout knives we all carried as boys in the late 1940s and 1950s. But now we'd be suspended from school for having such a terrible weapon. No mumblie-peg for you! (Note: We could write cursive and memorize things then too!)

Spitballs and straws were a wonder weapon when you wanted to act up. Sure beat throwing chalk which was hard and much more damaging. More than one teacher liked to throw chalky erasers at students who were acting up and we'd all laugh if he connected for the miscreant would have chalk powder all over him. All sense of humanity has been drained from the schools by the insanity of bureaucratic rigor that approaches the paralysis of the blind and ignorant. The sense of humor that is so important in people has been turned into an intolerance of anything but a kind of slavish obedience to a mindless and ineffective cult of sameness and mediocrity. Too bad. The nation suffers and the culture degrades.

The schools should be shutdown and vouchers issued to anyone who wants to educate children and let the parents decide if the education is worth the voucher. The experiment in government mandated everything has failed and failed in ways that are well advanced towards creating a failed civilization if it can even be called that. A society that suspends students for this kind of thing is a society I don't actually want to live in. I want it to be changed. It was a lot more sensible when I was younger. Now that I am an old man it is painful to see the changes. They are almost all for the worse. The technology is advanced, but the people using it have regressed towards barbarism. HERE's A LITTLE NOSTALGIA LINK I FOUND