Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Ann Makes An Interesting Point

SEE HERE I keep wondering if you can't be president until you're 35, maybe you shouldn't be able to vote until you're 35. People are not getting more mature at a younger age, they are taking a lot longer to become mature. In the original republic you had to be a landowner to vote. That forced you to be a responsible citizen as well as 21. Well it's hard to tell if we have any responsible citizens anymore. The fact that Obama was even nominated calls into question the soundness of the citizenry. Here was a man of no settled accomplishment at all except writing two books about himself despite the fact that he had not settled accomplishments, was essentially a rabble rouser whose main talent was smooth talking, what they used to call being a con man. I remember being totally blown away that he was even nominated. That he won, caused me to appreciate how little judgment the electorate actually has. Thus, when things go completely to hell we'll have only ourselves to blame. Ann has an interesting idea. It likely won't go anywhere but I'd like to up the ante and take it up to 35!

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