Tuesday, November 16, 2010

TSA An American Gestapo?

SEE HERE So what the hell is this about. A citizen resists being manhandled and forced to be whole body X-ray'ed and the American Gestapo decides to investigate him? Yeah that's going to make us all more secure. Let's terrorize Americans with our own built in terrorism unit. These clowns are way out of bounds. How much freedom will you have to give up in the name of hypothetical safety? I sure don't feel safer. Why don't we investigate some of the folks that actually do the bad things? No, we have to terrorize nuns, and little children, and law abiding Americans because they're so much easier targets. These kind of officious numskulls make my blood boil. I see this kind of thing all the time. Don't solve the problems, punish the victims instead. It's the government way folks. If you haven't notice before you have not been paying attention. AMERICAN GESTAPO

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