Thursday, October 6, 2011

I'm a Little Sad that Sarah Palin Decided Not to Run ... but ...

SEE HERE It's probably just as well that Sarah Palin is not running. On the other hand if the field is limited to Romney, Perry, and Cain then I have only one candidate — Cain. Romney is a Massachusetts RINO period, and Perry is a Texan who is all too likely to fade because he's been shown to not be fast enough on his feet and he has a few rather large liabilities. That leaves us with Cain and the lessor candidates that have failed to find too much traction. The one thing I have to thank Sarah Palin for was getting me off my duff to vote in the last election. Frankly McCain reminded me of Dole more than anything else. Sarah put juice in that campaign and got savaged for her trouble. More power to her. I hope she has a long and illustrious future in politics or out of it.

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