Monday, October 3, 2011

Throwaway People — The Elderly In America

SEE HERE  Robert Ringer's reflection this morning is worth your time.  How often have you encountered people who need your attention and sensitivity?  Do you extend your help to those you see in need?  I wish I could say that I do all the time, but that wouldn't be true.  Like everyone else I often look past rather than look at and engage.  Ringer describes an encounter he had which made him reflection on the status of the elderly.  We should all think about this and do something more than we normally do.  In the past people were taught to respect the elderly.  They are the experienced and wise ones among us, not the freshly minted college graduates whose learning is yet to register on their lives.  We should reflect on this, because it is not a recommendation for our society.  It shows us up for the barbarians we are.

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