Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The "It's All Bush's Fault Narrative" — Exposing the Lie

SEE HERE I've said on a number of occasions that the Democrats lie a lot. I suppose some people would shrug their shoulders and sigh and say "Well they are politicians after all." There is something to that of course. But that's an extreme view. Every assertion needs to be examined for it's truth and when it isn't true the obvious next question is "Does the person asserting something that is not true, himself or herself, know that it is not true?" If they know then it is a lie. I call Democrats Demon-crats sometimes because they are addicted to the fallacy of ad hominem, which means essentially attacking the messenger rather than the message. A bad man can make a good argument and a good man can be wrong. Address the issue rather than attack the person raising the issue.

Bush has been accused of causing all the economic problems we have and this mantra is part of the overall demonization of Bush that has been a Democrat strategy. I'm always suspicious of any strategy that focuses on the man rather than his policies. This piece points out that the Democrat narrative simply doesn't fit the facts. Do the Democrats know that? Does a pig "Oink"? The Democrats are ALWAYS the ones behind the big spending and big taxing policies. When they suggest otherwise, look more closely and you'll find that they are not telling the truth. Did Clinton balance the budget? ... no, the Republican Congress did. We need to stop the flim-flam and have some serious auditing of the national dialogue so that truth rather than fiction prevails.

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