Friday, July 2, 2010

Bogey Man? Smogey Man? and the Perennial Question

SEE HERE Leon Panetta is not my favorite bureaucrat, but then that's an exaggeration since I don't really have a favorite bureaucrat so the sentence conveys no information. I'm afraid that is also the status of this Bob Livingston piece. He asserts that Osama Bin Laden has been dead for a long time. Using this particular piece of information he then excoriates the CIA as manufacturing lies. Now I'm not big fan of the CIA either, but this is the original essay without any content. So I will ask the perennial question, the question besides which no other question need apply: How Do You Know Bob? I thought I'd look around and see what the ideas were and HERE's ONE but it's all speculation as far as I can tell. Is bin Laden dead? Maybe, maybe not.

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