Thursday, July 8, 2010

Do You Wonder What's Going On? — Here's A Clue!

SEE HERE Never waste a good crisis, since it's then that you can push through legislation with the least scrutiny. Moreover, to fulfill the Marxist prophecy that the capitalist system will collapse, just to help it along of course, overwhelm the system with more and more unfunded expenditures. It was a strategy that worked well in Germany although it was probably aimed at denying the allies the WWI reparations by devaluing the Mark. But the resulting chaos led directly to the Third Reich. As Wayne Root points out here, it's just the Cloward and Piven strategy: Obama is following the plan of Cloward & Piven, two professors at Columbia University. They outlined a plan to socialize America by overwhelming the system with government spending and entitlement demands.

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