Thursday, July 8, 2010

Fun Read On the Lessons of Prohibition

SEE HERE Politicians never learn. They don't have enough neurons apparently to accomplish that difficult task. It's too much like work to actually read history and learn from it, or understand what it is you're regulating, or for that matter to regulate things based on trendy non-information like "salt is a dangerous drug" or "we have to save electricity and increase the mercury in the environment by using florescent bulbs instead of incandescent ones", "don't each hamburger that isn't burnt to a crisp", "partially cooked food may be bad for you", "if you use this ladder you may fall off and hurt yourself," and on and on and on.

It's really a mystery how we managed to get along without all this help. I grew up in a different and frankly in many ways a much better world. Divorce was relatively rare. Promiscuity was rare. Abortion was against the law. Kids my age had .22 rifles and did things like shoot squirrels. We burned our leaves by the side of the road during the Autumn. Most kids carried pocket knives often with the boy scout symbol on them but sometimes those fancy ones with saws and scissors and multiple blades. We did lots of things that today are in demise. We could all write cursive and we actually read books without being forced to. We didn't talk on the phone so much because all the phones had dials and were in houses. The government rarely made you do anything and everything was just fine. Now with all the help of the great society everyone things someone else owes them a living and if things go wrong it is someone else's fault.

Well we're about out of people to blame, money to pay for all the free stuff and all hell is going to break loose fairly soon if we don't recover a little American ingenuity and self-responsibility. Maggie had it right, but we're about to run out of money. Then it gets ugly.

NOTE: The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money — Margaret Thatcher

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