Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Doom & Gloom Not A New Discovery

SEE HERE Remembering as I do the Club of Rome in the 1970s and all manner of predictions from the Chicken Littles of the world that I would soon be toast or poisoned by some noxious material being sprayed on plants to kill bugs that wanted to eat my lunch or whatever, I've largely concluded that it is all poppycock. Rachel Carson has killed millions by stopping that dread insecticide DDT which was about the safest insecticide around. People could eat it without ill effects (not recommended of course). But on and on it goes. I'm not sure what element of the human psyche demands that we always be living on the bitter edge of doom, but there it is. We keep inventing new things to be frightened of, mostly imaginary, and we mostly ignore the really bad things that are going on. Go figure!
Here's one of the propaganda videos that the climate alarmists created.

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