Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Five Threats? ... No Five Detonation Centers, Way Past Threats

SEE HERE The five threats as John Hawkins characterizes them are more like five detonation centers from which the explosive collapse of the United States will be triggered. They are rather more than threats. A threat is something potential while these are collapse in action, like a burning fuse, just wait for the detonation, but the fuse is burning:
1) National Debt, augmented by trillions in unfunded obligations that will not be met because they cannot be met. It would be nice if any of our vaunted legislators knew any economics.

2) Weapons of Mass Destruction going off in our cities ... just a matter of time folks if we don't clean out he hornets nests of terrorist organizations as well as the various anarchists that turn over cars, loot, and smash things whenever anything constructive is trying to be accomplished.

3) A Cultural Apocalypse as we fail to teach our children what it means to be American and instead fill their minds with multi-culturalism and diversity. The reality is that without a set of centering principles to which all Americans can rally we will not be Americans anymore, but just a mixture of factions and whatever unity we once had will collapse like Yugoslavia.

4) The Government As Parent — welcome to the nannystate which is really the destruction of the family. The family is the core unit of any society. A society, like ours, which has declared war on the family, will dissolve as they are successful and what will be left will be something like a 1984 slave state. Read Orwell's dystopia to see what I'm talking about.

5) Moral Decay — "Morals?", what are those? It must be right it feels so good. We live in a time of the rapid decay of morals so that many younger people don't even know what is being talked about when the word comes up. "That's your opinion," say these uninformed twits who have never read a book that didn't have pictures and want to posture as informed and educated but are really just the detritus of a sewer of a public indoctrination program that passes for education. They have been titillated and propagandized and pampered and told how wonderful they are, but they can't read or write in an effective manner and have been denied their heritage. The system doesn't work. How bad is it? Hard to say. There are those struggling in the trenches to do what they can. The home schooling movement is actually a positive sign, but on the whole the trend is down and seems likely to remain that way.

The detonation point is coming, perhaps when one of these factors reaches critical mass, and then we'll see if there are enough who remember to fix it. If not we go down like every empire before us has.

As a metaphor of what is going on, this video is hard to beat. The fire is already burning. T.S. Eliot warned us, as did Orwell and many others. We have yet to heed the warnings. "Those the gods destroy, they first make mad."

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