Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Reality Knocking ...

This whole "green" thing is like so much modern hype based on 98% nonsense and 2% reality. The difference in costs no matter how you figure it between carbon based fuels and so-called green energy is simply tremendous. The other issue is that green energy is not very green, whatever that means. You end up investing in batteries, factories to manufacture photocells, huge windmills which are loud and dangerous and for this you get to pay nominally three times what you pay for carbon based energy and typically you still have to have it because all these other things only work when the wind blows, the sun shines, or the batteries have not run out. It's mostly phony baloney. There simply isn't anything green about green just as there isn't anything organic about organic. These are mostly ideas dreamed up by people who lead insulated lives in the middle of huge cities. They think the rest of the country lives like they do and that is so far short of being true it simply isn't at all funny. They are out of touch but have a huge propaganda footprint. If we tried to grow all the food we consume organically (whatever that really turns out to mean) we'd all be starving to death but the insects would be thrilled.

I grow things hydroponically (hit my blog HERE and it's very productive. I use no more water than the plants consume and my plants are healthy as can be and as productive as can be. I'm growing a natural plot for comparison. No fertilizer, nothing but water and good old earth and the contrast is quite striking. Come visit if you're interested. By all means go green if you think it's important and can afford it. But what gives you the right to impose your preferences on the rest of us? It's all hype.

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