Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Rule of Law and the Concept of Citizenship

SEE HERE We are a nation unique in human history. We are a Constitution Republic based on the rule of law and not on some tribal or culturally homogeneous organic emergence. Our citizens have come from every nation on earth and with every ethnic background to become Americans. Somewhere along the line we started thinking that being American wasn't enough. We started talking about diversity and multi-lingualism and a vast array of other things which combine to destroy unity. The history of the world has never recorded a country that was simply a bunch of individuals doing their own thing. It we don't step back from the brink we will court dissolution in the years to come for diversity is simply another name for disunity when it is carried to extremes. We stand together as Americans or we will soon find the experiment in liberty is over. Forces within our country seem bent on such transformations. When it is over the discovery we will have made as in George Orwell's "Animal Farm" is that "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others". We probably don't want to go there.

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