Monday, July 5, 2010

Textbook Distortions of History

SEE HERE Frankly the propaganda imported into our childrens' minds by lousy textbooks is beyond belief. I guess I really wasn't all that aware of this problme until years ago when I read C.S. Lewis' "The Abolition of Man" in which he shows the pernicious influence textbooks can have. History books are particularly egregious offenders since they put a commentary on the facts of history which often enough is slanted to push the progressive secular humanist agenda. Children come out of the history class brainwashed and the parents don't notice until some flabbergasting thing comes out of the mouths of their children. This is one of the biggest reasons in my mind to stop having single provider, government run indoctrination centers masquerading as schools. Instead we should have a rich and varied private schools system which is part of a competitive system subsidized in whole or in part by vouchers which help level the playing field for parents. Vouchers should be able to be spent to provide children an education. If you want more than the basics that vouchers can fund you can use your own money to augment the system. One voucher per kid per year of school.

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