Thursday, February 4, 2010

A Sobering Look At the History of Social Security

SEE HERE Social Security could have been a legitimate program instead of the biggest Ponzi scheme on earth. The brief history depicted here is sobering since it shows that all the initial promises made by that socialist in chief Franklin Roosevelt have all been abrogated by, guess who?, the Demon-crats who then continuing in their usual ways, demonize the Republicans who have been casting around trying to find a way to make the program really work for people. The biggest lie is probably that there is a Social Security trust fund ... I hear that from the uninformed all the time. Sorry, but the "trust fund" is just a bunch of empty government promises to pay you back with money printed later after they've already spent the money that you sent in to social security. No trust fund. You're holding a bunch of IOU's written on your grandchildren's future. This scheme won't survive another forty years without some major reform. It might not survive another twenty since the baby boomer from WWII are all retiring soon. You've been lied to, and the liars are still lying. I guess that's what you should expect of liars.

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