Thursday, February 4, 2010

What Drives Global Warming? Greed! and Lust for Power!

SEE HERE Here we see Walter Williams making the case that just because global warming was ginned up by a lot of fraudulent science doesn't mean anyone is going to get in any serious trouble. There are too many, too powerful, and too dedicated to crisis mongering to generate any significant backlash. Instead we are more likely to be told how the scientists were just refining the data or tuning the model and rejecting inaccurate or biased data. It ought to be remembered that in science data is king.

Yesterday I was talking to my class about presentation of data and cited what I called Tufte's rules: (Edward Tufte is a guru of data presentation) and the first rule is show all the data. Then if you want to leave some out for good and sufficient reasons, cite the reasons and show the before and after results. None of these global warming alarmists did this. They suppressed the data and did other things in their processing to arrive at the result they wanted. If the data didn't point the way they wanted, they added selective data until it did. But don't expect much in the way of consequences. Too many, too powerful, too invested were in on the scam.

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