Monday, February 1, 2010

Stupid Is as Stupid Does

Just how stupid is this administration? I watched a Fox News program tonight and they had clips of both the President and his spokesperson Gibbs talking about giving Khalid Sheikh Mohammed the death penalty. This is the idiot in chief and one of his lapdogs prejudging a civilian criminal trial in public on video tape. I couldn't believe it. Obama's supposed to be a lawyer? Some lawyer.

These are the ultimate jerks. They Mirandized the Christmas bomber. They prejudge the outcome of a civilian criminal trial of a military terrorist who should be in front of a military tribunal. (Frankly should just have been summarily shot after establishing the bonefides of the case.) These guys are not criminals. They are brutal, vicious, terrorists who cut off the heads of their captives on video tape. They fly fully fueled intercontinental jets into buildings full of innocent people. They send children with bombs strapped on them into crowds of people to kill themselves and as many around them as possible. I am completely at a loss as to why this kind of irrationality is going on. Can these people actually be this stupid? Apparently the answer is "Yes." We need to clean out Washington of all these drones.

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