Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Distortion of History to Advance the Goals of the Victors

SEE HERE It is a truism of history that it is written by the victors. Walter Williams presents little known facts about the Civil War that all Americans deserve to know. Many black men served in the Confederate Army voluntarily. That's just a fact. Make what you will of it. Many in the South reject the notion that the Civil War was primarily about Slavery. It was very much about Federal power and its role in injuring the South. States Rights were another cry but I think it is fair to say that a sort of anti-Federalism was at least as significant as slavery in the minds of those who took arms against the North. I'm a relocated Yankee down here in the South in a very historic region that still echos with the sounds of the Armies of Northern Virginia. The mountains in the Shenandoah Valley resonate to the names of Ashby, Lee, and Jackson. You don't find many pictures of Grant down here.

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