Monday, April 18, 2011

The Delusional Character of Current Government

SEE HERE What are they smoking in Washington? Powerful stuff given the delusions that it is inducing. First delusion: That an actual cut of 352 million is a cut of 38 billion. That's a ten to one delusion of little things looking hugely bigger then they actually are. Second delusion: the rich are at fault because they are not paying enough tax. That's such a whopper it's hard to keep from collapsing in amazement at the degree of nonsense. The rich essentially pay all the taxes. Almost half of the tax payers pay no income taxes at all. If you simply confiscate all the income of those making $100K or more you still wouldn't cover the deficit. It's scary that they get away with this kind of nonsense. It looks more and more like when reality sets in it will be too late.

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