Thursday, April 28, 2011

Science Government Style: Buying the Result You Want!

Science by Proxy It's all about writing grants and funding universities, not doing science.
The problem we have is that when you're throwing proposals against the wall to get government grants and such, you're not so much doing science as pleasing bureaucrats. I've seen that from the inside when I worked for the government. I recall one funding official from the Office of Naval Research telling another that he was proud that none of the research he'd ever funded had helped the Navy. I suppose that example doesn't mean that it wasn't science, but it does mean that he was suborning the process. Much of the climate "science" is about writing computer models and these are poorly validated judging from their inability to predict forward. Writing good models requires a true understanding of the science and in the area of climate the bottom line is that it isn't all that well understood.

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