Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Sheer Stupidity and Arrogant Stupidity At That

SEE HERE Let's see... hmmm... we want to talk about illegal immigration and guess what? We exclude the border states. Sure that's the ticket! What do I think? I think the government has simply lost its collective mind. We are experiencing government by special interest and by thuggery. The Democrats have descended to being the party of collective bribery of the lower classes with myths about the predatory practices of the upper classes and the clear agenda of swelling the voter based by whatever means, legal or illegal, to gain power and influence.

At the same time the Republican party has over and over pretended to be the party of principle but when they get to Washington, over and over, become the party of appeasement and predatory practices -lite. They offer the same agenda just a little slower. When are we going to face up to the fact that with either party with business as usual, we are on a track to lose what freedom we have left. It's long past time for a change, a big change!

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