Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Price of Stupdity Is Economic Collapse

SEE HERE I used to use a phrase that enraged one of my bosses. As the Director of Engineering I was used to having marketing collect all the data sheets on competitor's products and then put a data sheet together with all the great features of all the products combined and then a price which was lower than all the other prices and present that to me as a requirement for our own product development. The phrase was "Wishing doesn't make it so." There is just no genie in a bottle to make the magic happen. Marketing would be indignant but they didn't understand that just wanting something didn't make it do-able.

California seems to be in that same mindset. They want everything for nothing. They want this phony-baloney thing called sustainable energy without acknowledging its outrageous costs. They want generous benefits without paying for them. Reality is a difficult thing and a hard test, but it doesn't really make any difference because "Wishing doesn't make it so."

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