Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Obamacare Is the Issue

SEE HERE We have this "lala land" mentality that seems to take over the neurons of the political set inside the Washington beltway. Money no longer means anything so trillion dollar deficits are just "ho-hum" and Obamacare is just another minor sidelight to enjoying the perks of power. The problem is that this ignoring of the real issues is killing us all. Each babystep down the perilous path to dissolution carries us further from any possible recovery. It's hard to know when the tipping point will be reached, but reached it will be if we do not draw back and begin to reform the government and restore sanity to the processes. We're seeing nothing but whistling past the graveyard now and a lot of posturing by those sent to fix things. I'm too old to be caught up in the worst of it, but I feel sorry for my children and my grandchildren who will pay the price for the current irresponsibility.

1 comment:

  1. I took a look at your link Inspector. Health care is a complex issue whose complexity is substantially increased by the imposition of both insurance company bureaucrats and government bureaucrats into the mix largely interfering with everyone's healthcare.
    I rather liked Robert Heinlein's solution which was to free market the system and license quacks. Health care doesn't have to be this tissue of regulatory interferences.
