Monday, July 12, 2010

All the Hidden Taxes Designed Or Maybe Just Randomly Scattered to Control Your Life

SEE HERE Welcome to the law of unforeseen consequences which mostly seems like a corollary of Murphy's Law: "If anything can go wrong, it will." IHOP and White Castle may have problems with the new health-care law, I mean problems like staying in business. I suppose that won't bother the elite snobs and crypto-fascists running the administration these days, but it ought to concern us all. When government meddles in the market in areas where it has no expertise whatsoever (read medical care) then you can expect dislocations and problems. When in addition the government sees every large bill as an opportunity to seed hidden regulations and taxes, then you have not merely blundering but catastrophic side-effects that were perhaps unforeseen and unintended but disastrous none the less. Government is ever a blunt tool that does more harm than good.

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