Monday, July 12, 2010

What Do They Teach Them In Those Schools? Apparently Not About Liberty or Virtue or John Locke!

SEE HERE I'm not a great fan of John Locke opting instead for some more meaty philosophers but the list would not include Karl Marx or frankly anyone born after say 1300 or so. Philosophy has been on a slippery slope the last few centuries until it has devolved into theoretical talk about language and little more and even that has recently descended to new and utter depths into a vague and misty world which would have made Sheol seem stark and real by contrast. I speak of the deconstruction of language. Obviously every idea is every other idea so therefore, does that mean, no it can't possibly, but perhaps it does, that ideas don't matter? This is the kind of chaos that the modern world has wrought. It is time to rise and be on our way back into the mists of time, back to a world of virtue and responsibility and not the world of license and victimhood.

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