Thursday, July 8, 2010

Think About It. This Truly Is the Liberal Mind-Set: It's All About Power And You Can Lie, Cheat, or Steal As Long As You Win.

SEE HERE Honor? Don't make me laugh. It is a tenant of the left that anything is permitted as long as you win. Often enough that philosophy leaks over to the right as well and that is truly sad because then there is nowhere to turn for honorable leadership. I don't listen to Rush much, just people I don't listen to anyone on the radio except when I happen to be in an automobile. But when I used to make regular long drives I'd listen to him and Gordon Liddy and Neal Bortz and Glenn Beck and I think Rush is very smart, very astute and usually dead right. Must be something in that EIB water. But it is no great insight to discover that Democrats and indeed all the people of the left simply cannot be trusted to tell the truth about pretty much anything.

I don't doubt there are exceptions. The percentage is likely quite small however, certainly not large enough to notice. You can see how dishonorable they are by the posture they so often take of attacking the individual, not on the basis of truth, but smearing them with innuendo and lies. That's why I call them Demon-crats. If a good argument comes along they usually won't even recognize it.

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