Monday, July 12, 2010

Funny and Pathetic At the Same Time

SEE HERE And while we're at it since the author makes so many not so veiled allusions to it you might check out THIS. It seems to me that people are a good deal more intolerant than they used to be. Tolerance is always one of those mantras of the left which is rather amusing since they are, on balance, the most intolerant people on this earth. They are forever posturing as tolerant while branding anything that disagrees with their enlightened point of view as "hate speech." Now frankly, I think people who brand other people's speech so freely and easily as "hate speech" have a hate speech problem of their own. I think that judgment is an important cognitive skill and sometime that judgment is adverse, as when we disapprove of something because it is wrong or hurtful or dangerous. I have a long list of things I approve of and of things I disapprove of. Those who disagree with my conclusions are free to tell me why, but they are not free in my opinion to simply brand my views with some label and walk off. That is both disagreeable and stupid. If they are so enlightened then they have missed an opportunity to enlighten me, and if they are not so enlightened perhaps they have deprived me of an opportunity to enlighten them.

We are all on the planet to enlighten one another, but most of the time we're too lazy.

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