Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Big Big Question? Have the Republicans Learned The Lesson?

SEE HERE OK just step down from those clouds of euphoria for a minute and reflect as John Stossel does on the last times that the Republicans were in the driver's seat. Did it lead to smaller government and less government spending? Not just no, but hell no! In fact in some ways it was worse than most of what the Democrats have done, although lately they've been worse than usual. If all we've gotten in Democrat-lite again then we're doomed only doomed more slowly. But since we're nearing the end game the chasm is closer and we'll go off any day now if we don't start pulling back seriously and showing an awareness of things like basic economics and the fact that wealth required productivity and not just a lot of hot air and printing presses. So as some pundits have been putting it, this is either the End of the Beginning or the Beginning of the End. It's up now to our newly elected representatives to start to fix the bus before we drive off the cliff.

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