Monday, November 1, 2010

Black Republicans Are Awesome

Racism is about thinking that you can judge a person merely by the color of their skin. The Democrats have taken advantage of the black voter for years by trying to buy them off with various perks — Affirmative Action for example which implies that a black person isn't as smart as a white person. Nonsense. I always loved Marva Collins because she taught her students self-reliance and the value of determination. It's time for the black voter to recognize the reality that he or she has been coopted by the Democrats in a fashion that is fundamentally racist because it assume that they can't get along without help. That's nonsense. There are many black intellectuals, people like Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams that I routinely cite not because of the color of their skin but because of the brilliance of their minds. It's time we honored black Republican politicians who have the courage to resist the stereotyping.

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