Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Spending Money Doesn't Work! They Know It, but They Keep Doing It. Why?

SEE HERE Thomas Sowell points out some salient truths which have to be a little baffling. The capacity for liberals to distort and lie about history is simply amazing. They have a whole string of mantras which fail on inspection.

Some of the most devastating things that were said about FDR were not said by his political enemies but by people who worked closely with him for years-- Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau being just one. Morgenthau saw not only the utter failure of Roosevelt's policies, but also the failure of Roosevelt himself, who didn't even know enough economics to realize how little he knew.

Far from pulling the country out of the Great Depression by following Keynesian policies, FDR created policies that prolonged the depression until it was more than twice as long as any other depression in American history. ...

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