Monday, November 1, 2010

They Really Don't Get It!

SEE HERE Politicians are a pampered lot. They go to Washington and pretty soon they think that they are not like the rest of men (or women). Their thoughts are above the common mass and the rest of us are just impractical bumpkins that they have to appease on the campaign trail but not really pay much attention to the rest of the time. Is that about to change? Not likely! Whatever the results tomorrow, the overall mindset of Washington is fixed in stone and it will take a lot more than one election, however humbling or horrific depending on your perspective, to make anything really change. For one thing, the mindset is not only in the minds of the elected representatives but in the whole bureaucracy that supports them. The bureaucracy is not touched by the elections. They just move around from office to office, often independent of party affiliation. I remember long ago in Minnesota talking to a Capitol Hill staffer who was on the staff of Congressman Hagedorn who was in a close race. The staffer had his probes out looking for a position to jump to if the Congressman lost his race for reelection. The bureaucrats move around carrying with them the disease of Capitol Hill hubris. But you have to start somewhere and somewhere is Tomorrow! Vote for Liberty!

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