Monday, November 1, 2010

How Much Are You Willing To Pay To Fund A Boondoggle?

SEE HERE So called "green" alternative energy sources are really exercises in income redistribution. But the income redistribution in this case may very well be from the poor to the rich trendy environmentalists that are pushing the green energy agenda. What is "green" about expensive, very expensive, substitutes for clean energy based on oil, coal, and nuclear? With the CO2 is causing global warming mantra all but dead since there isn't a lick of real data to support it, with it goes most of the rationale for supporting these things as emergency measures to save the planet. In fact CO2 isn't a pollutant, it's a plant nutrient. "Hello, earth to nutjobs!" Oil and coal may not be renewable, but they are very much less expensive than these trendy alternatives. Maybe we should invest in research to make the alternatives less expensive and find new alternatives. I'm still waiting for fusion energy which was supposed to be just around the corner for the past 40 years. Wind, tidal, solar, geothermal and all the rest if there are any more are all a drop in the bucket and they are an invitation to further beggar the third world. Who's kidding who? This stuff is mostly nonsense.

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