Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Failed Narrative: "It's Our Fault!"

SEE HERE I get awfully tired of hearing from liberals that people hate us because we're hateful. Hey liberals, if things are so bad just get out. We don't need your mindless criticism. What have you ever done for anyone? Liberals obviously were mistreated in their infancy and never grew up beyond having pouts and falling on the floor in a tantrum. We may not be perfect but we're not so bad. We are the single greatest standard bearer for freedom in the world. You don't notice people streaming to get out of the country so that we have to wall them in ... gee where was there a wall like that? Instead we have the other problem. They hate us because we're successful and secular and they don't like that and want us just like them, unsuccessful and ruled by a rigid Sharia law. It's time to focus on reality and stop smoking the liberal dope. It makes you stupid.

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