Monday, December 6, 2010

An Interview with Douglas Gresham

SEE HERE Friday is the opening of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, part three of the Chronicles of Narnia. This interview with Doug Gresham, C.S. Lewis's adopted son from his marriage to Joy Davidman touches on some more wide ranging ground than just he movie, although that is going to be fun enough. TVOTDT is my favorite of the series although, like Doug, my favorite tends to be the one I'm reading. I also like The Silver Chair a lot and The Magician's Nephew is no slouch either. One of Doug's answers referred to education and I can only endorse what he said,

Jack certainly was critical of educational trends and would be even more so today, I think. Jack firmly believed that children were not to be the subjects of experimentation, and I have to agree with him. I think that much of what is done in modern education is sheer folly. In fact, I believe quite strongly that homeschooling is the finest form of education children can get. I think I have used more of what I learned at the dinner table of the Kilns than I have used from any of the schools that I went to.

I totally agree. The schools need to be salvaged from the educators before we have nothing but a nation of pseudo-educated brainwashed slaves incapable of anything but blind obedience to the manipulators, what Jack Lewis called The Conditioners in his prescient book, The Abolition of Man. CHRISTIANITY TODAY

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