Friday, December 31, 2010

If We Don't Do Something It Is All Over But The Shouting

SEE HERE The fiction that government can control prices is one of long standing. It is a recipe for gluts and shortages. The market sets real prices, so if the government sets the price too high then there is a glut of supply but this means that much of the supply is wasted because the buyers may not want that much (usually don't). So there is a lot of waste. If the government sets the price too low, then only a few suppliers can stay in business and these have a surfeit of business but can't handle the business so shortages ensue. That's just the way it really works in the real world. In the world of "Government knows best" this is always seen as those evil business people undermining the government's attempt to do good. If the government succeeds in this move it will not be too long and there will be no private health insurance, only the one-size fits all government single payer plan. After that, the quality will decline and the death panels will delay care, give poor care or no care to those they adjudge bad risks.

Freedom works better than government every time. You hear all these stories about how good health care is in socialist regimes, but whenever their leaders need health care they have an unusual tendency to fly into the United States or go to special health establishments in their own country that are not bound by the rules that everyone else has to live by. Gee I wonder why!

If we took all the rules and regulations that government has put in place over the past sixty years to "help" us I have little doubt that costs would come down and overall health care would improve. There has never been a thing that government could not make less efficient, less effective, more expensive, and lower in overall quality. Count on it! "We're from the government, we're here to help you." Why is that a laugh line? Ever think about that?

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