Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Mindlessness Is Scheduled To Continue

SEE HERE Get outta here you numskulls! I mean that's what rattles through my head whenever I see the government on another crusade to find some alleged out of control "bug" that is going to sicken millions (well maybe one or two). Over reaction is such a part of these escapades, always with the excuse that it's for the public safety but never considering the economic overkill and harm done by the excessive nonsense imposed on the manufacturers and producers and finally to the consumers. Government is a blunt instrument wielded by a blind giant. It's not the way to go almost ever. If government gets involved you can be sure it will be thoroughly screwed up. Don't take my word for it, just try to think of a government success story that isn't itself overblown. (BTW I've heard all the success stories and there are a few, mostly accidents like Thalidomide, but no doubt some more realistic ones. Isolated successes don't make the rule wrong, just not perfect. If I were a betting man I'd always take the bet that the government is going to screw it up.)

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