Saturday, December 4, 2010

Pitchforks? ... Maybe Democrats Should Stop Voiceing An Imature Understanding of Economics

These rich people are a fictitious category. When you get to the rich what you have is the people who own small, middle-sized, and larger businesses. These are the people whose wealth is tied up in the ownership of companies and the capital that makes those companies function. They are already paying a disproportionate amount of the income taxes paid by Americans and when you increase taxes on them what you are really doing is tearing down the money spent on business and capital formation that is the engine that creates jobs. These kind of taxes constrain the economic growth of the whole economy and make everyone poorer, not only the rich but the middle class that doesn't get job advancement or can't find jobs. This kind of rhetoric shows how little the Democrats know about economics and frankly how little they truly care about the middle class and especially the poorer classes, because these policies of their's hit the poor and middle classes hardest by sustaining unemployment and contracting GDP. The rhetoric sounds so caring though doesn't it. Get a class of politician that doesn't play the politics of envy and instead actually know economics.

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