Sunday, December 26, 2010

What Do The Marines Know?

SEE HERE I don't have anything more against gays than I do against any other group of sinners and we all certainly fall into that category. What I don't like is people who make a show of their sinfulness posturing that it not only doesn't matter but is even an entitlement identifier.

What is gay marriage besides a meaningless noise if it is not about a covenanted relationship between one man and one woman, even in our age of serial polygamy. Marriage is a fruitful relationship ordained by God "that they shall be made one." While homosexual relationships are on the whole transient, bonded only by obsessive abnormal "love" and beset by disease and shortened lives that are "gay" in no sense of the word prior to its abuse as a label.

Don't Ask, Don't Tell was a compromise. When I served homosexuals were tossed out of the service immediately. Throwing these poor unfortunates who are plagued by a developmental psychological deformity into intense combat situations where the key to survival is unit bonding seems at least reckless on the part of those who themselves have never hazarded their life on the trust they have for another.

I don't find it surprising that the Marine Corps, which is always in the forefront of combat, is two thirds against serving with openly gay personnel. But what do these brothers in arms know that our leaders don't? — Perhaps that love is more than passion and obsession.

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