Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Liberals Are All For Taking Your Money To Give To The Poor. Don't Expect Then To Give Their's Too!

SEE HERE Government has no business in the charity business. Indeed, it is outrageous that charity has become a business because that empties the charity out of it and it just becomes another government scam which bloats federal employment and gives them an excuse to tax more and then give grudgingly to the newest entitlement class, whatever it happens to be. Charity? Well Charity is supposed to be motivated by love, not by self-interest. There is nothing charitable about government largess. It does seem to perform one function quite well. It lets liberals salve their consciences that they are doing something for the poor, making those uncharitable conservatives pay for it. The problem of course is that the uncharitable bunch are the liberals. Sorry if that irritates you liberals, but facts are facts.

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