Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Birth Certificate Issue: AGAIN!

Two more military officers have joined the group demanding that President Obama demonstrate that he has the right to be the commander in chief. SEE HERE

Here's an excerpt:

retired Maj. Gen. Carol Dean Childers and active U.S. Air Force reservist Lt. Col. David Earl Graeff have joined the suit “because it is a matter of unparalleled public interest and importance and because it is clearly a matter arising from issues of a recurring nature that will escape review unless the Court exercises its discretionary jurisdiction.”

This gets weirder and weirder ... Why doesn't President Obama just produce his birth certificate, long form, and prove he's a legitimate citizen? Why not? Instead he seems to be spending a lot of money with lawyers keeping from doing the simple and obvious thing that most of us have had to do at one time or another to register our children in school, to demonstrate we are eligible for Social Security, and many other things. Apparently Obama finds this threatening. Why?

Check out the comments after the article. I don't know to what extent any of the points being made are well founded, but they do show that there are a lot of people with a lot of reasons for concern. This should be cleared up and not simply allowed to fester.

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