Monday, July 27, 2009

The Confusion In Healthcare

We keep hearing about all the uninsured in the country. What is important is not so much the number that are uninsured as the number that are denied healthcare. For the most part that is a much much smaller number and should have a solution that is a much much smaller solution than taking apart a system that works well for something like 90% of all Americans.

Healthcare is not a right. You have an obligation to husband your resources so that you can provide for yourself. If you can't then you can hope that there are generous souls who will help you. That's called charity and it isn't something that the government has a responsibility for. Frankly the expansion of government into every nook and cranny of our lives is intrusive and unwarranted. It is also unconstitutional, but who cares about that these days. Just add a wise latino to the court and we'll get whatever she thinks is necessary, or not.

The rule of law should be based on principles which can be articulated, explained and defended not on sentiment and sentimentality. Wealth is something that is earned. Wealth taken from citizens to give to other citizens is a form of stealing and tyranny. The more we do it, the more the United States begins to resemble robber barons. You know, those bad guys they are always telling you about from the bad'ole days. If we have citizens who are destitute and need a hand up, then by all means let's figure out a way to help them. But let's not create tyranny and break something that isn't broken.

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