Monday, July 20, 2009

Nutty Foreign Policy: Clinton in India

Investor's Business Daily (IBD) lets Hillary have it right between the eyes. After all she's a shill for the Obama administration and sounds like the same old broken record. Instead of talking to India about things that are really important: trade, military cooperation, economic development, she touted the braindead carbon emission sanctimonious claptrap. SEE HERE
But instead of talking about a free-trade treaty, as India has sought, or taking steps to strengthen the U.S.-India military alliance as new challenges from China, Pakistan and emerging non-state actors like Somali pirates appear, Clinton called for a "comprehensive strategic approach," devoted to education, food security and the climate change agenda.

Not surprisingly, the Indians gave her an earful. "India's position, let me be clear, is that we are simply not in a position to take legally binding emission targets," India's environment minister, Jairam Ramesh, told Clinton. He noted that global warming is unproven science and India didn't want to give up its economic growth for that.

Give me a break! Junk science is on the table and trash talk like "carbon footprints" or other nonsense just don't cut it with those who are still trying to climb out of third world status. It's pure bunk anyway and India knows it. The science doesn't hold up to inspection and a country with an independent nuclear capability has the scientists capable of drawing that conclusion.

Then of course she made some sort of lame apology:
"We acknowledge now with President Obama that we have made mistakes in the United States, and we along with other developed countries have contributed most significantly to the problem that we face with climate change."

Save me from the idiots we have elected!

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