Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Issue that Won't Go Away

It gets weirder and weirder. Now a reserved Army officer has had his orders revoked apparently so the Army will not have to come to court to defend against the allegation that the president is illegally holding his office. SEE HERE

Major Stefan Frederick Cook, an engineer, was scheduled to deploy to Afghanistan on July 16th when according to the story on World Net Daily, his orders were suddenly rescinded. Major Cook argued he should not be required to serve under a president who has not proven his eligibility for office. Like all of these kinds of allegations regarding the legitimacy of the president's birth, it could in principle be cleared up easily. Just produce the long-form birth certificate showing that the president had indeed been born as is alleged in Hawaii.

The spin surrounding this issue is mystifying. Almost everyone I know, challenged, could produce their birth certificate and show they were native born Americans. I personally had to do it when I submitted my application for social security. It was a bit annoying, but it was no big deal. The president has made it a big deal, and that alone keeps the issue alive. Why is it a big deal if he isn't hiding something? That's the question. If you search the internet on this issue you'll find lots of pictures of alledged birth certificates and many discussions of how they have been forged. It seems to me that this issue should be securely put to bed once and for all in an authoritative way and not just linger to cast doubt on the president's legitimacy. Why does it continue to be an issue?

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