Monday, July 6, 2009

Global Warming? A Problem? NOPE! But You're In Big Trouble

This is testimony given by Dr. William Happer on February 25, 2009 to the U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Senator Barbara Boxer, Chair. There is no consensus on Climate Change. The Cap and Trade Bill passed by the House of Representatives is a draconian bill which will translate into a huge tax and interference in all our lives with exactly no positive result. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE

Dr. Roy Spencer testifies that IPCC is driven entirely by political motivation.

Yup, I'm one of those evil global warming deniers. You know, that's a label to demonize my views. It's not a scientific argument it's a slander and an attack. The scientists who deny that global warming is a problem are real and serious scientists, but they are not taking the party line that the politicians want. The facts are that CO2 has been far higher in the past without bad effects. The fact is that the science can't really make a significant connection between CO2 levels and temperature so they have to fake it with models that are laughably inadequate. Having generated my share of computer models myself, I know that nothing comes out of a computer model that you didn't put in in the first place. Models, to be really useful, have to be validated on data they have never seen before. But all the models that are used are essentially fits to a set of data. When they are used to project they have been pretty abysmal. We are currently experiencing global cooling. Did anyone tell you that? But the models didn't predict it. Oops!

Before we spend trillions of dollars on a non-problem, we ought to get the science straight.

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